He recognizes that this ideal world is highly unlikely. As a result, he suggests that is that government should regulate and restrict further the food we eat. Sugar and fat content of fast foods would be an area of government intervention.
He'd better be kidding. Anyone who has been watching Jamie Oliver's show Food Revolution has seen how well intentioned government regulations on school nutrition can result in very unhealthy food that fulfills the requirements but not healthful. (Is a squirt of ketchup really a vegetable serving?). Government does have a role in society, but will be unable to fix this problem.
Unfortunately doctors can't stop the obesity epidemic either. Recent reports noted that primary care doctors lack the training and resources to address the issue with their patients, even as they feel the responsibility to provide advice. The problem is that in a survey of 290 doctors found that 72 percent had no one in the office trained to discuss weight management. Of the 90 percent of obese patients who were counseled to lose weight about a third of patients noted they weren't told how to lose weight.
Winning the war on obesity won't come from government regulation or somehow getting doctors to be better in educating and counseling patients. It won't be families resorting to a simpler slower pace of life that existed a couple generations ago.
Winning the war on obesity and turning the tide will be due to the same large multi-n

Although there will be people quite skeptical about businesses and corporations fixing the problem which they helped create, it appears that this is the case. The Washington Post noted that large food organizations are committed to reduce the calories in existing products, offer healthier selections and smaller portions.
This is an encouraging first step. Maintaining a healthy weight is more than asking individuals to choose wisely every meal. It's about helping the public makes the right desired choices by creating products that are healthy, nutritious, and lower in calories. Restaurants and food organizations must lead the way to slow and then reverse the trend.
The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, a coalition including Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kellogg, Kraft Foods and PepsiCo, will slash 1 trillion calories by the end of 2012 and 1.5 trillion calories by the end of 2015. The 16 members make 20-25 percent of food consumed in the United States. The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, a coalition including Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kellogg, Kraft Foods and PepsiCo, will slash 1 trillion calories by the end of 2012 and 1.5 trillion calories by the end of 2015. The 16 members make 20-25 percent of food consumed in the United States.
Otherwise with the status quo, children born since 2000 will the first generation of Americans not to live as long as their parents due to obesity related illnesses like diabetes.
Secret to weight loss is simply: Eat less. Move more. When companies get it right, eating less will be easier to do.
It will be the private sector that begins to solve the obesity problem.
1 comment:
I think you misunderstood Dalrymple. He actually argued against government intervention in the WSJ piece, calling it "intemperate authoritarianism".
Food companies and restaurants give people the food they want. A person's weight is his own responsibility.
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